Mid-Sized Biz Pack
From CFO to Data Entry: A Fully Motivated, Outsourced Finance Department That You Don't Have to Manage for Much Less Than Staffing Up in-House
At VenturePack, we understand the unique financial challenges that come with the transition to mid-size. Our management team has a proven track record of managing the financial vitality of high-growth companies. Our CFO experience runs the gamut on issues impacting every possible industry model.

We know that for companies with established infrastructure, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. VenturePack digs deep into strategy and tax effects to design and execute the best solutions for maximum valuation without compromising your vision. Our client analysis takes into consideration systems, people, accountability, approval process, momentum, bandwidth, foundation for growth, motivation, and more. We utilize analytics, key performance indicators, and market knowledge, so you know how your company looks to lenders, auditors, and investors. Our focused accounting and analytics create solid strategies our client companies implement year-round. In our history, we've learned some things the hard way: we offer you that hard-won knowledge, so you won't have to.